Lastly, consider stacking on-death effects like Wil-o’-the-Wisp or Ceremonial Dagger to compensate for the Commando’s lack of area damage. Each bullet from the Commando’s basic attacks and Suppressive Fire can trigger an on-hit effect. On the topic of attack speed, on-hit effect items like the Ukelele, Tri-Tip Dagger and Sticky Bomb become more powerful the faster the player can attack. Stacking several syringes can bump the Commando’s attack speed up to match MUL-T’s auto nailgun firing mode. Soldier’s Syringe is extremely potent on the Commando because of how quickly he attacks. Nothing special here, just this ability to dodge anything and everything. Tactical Dive is a basic dodge roll that cancels vertical momentum, which is great for jumping off high ledges without taking fall damage. On the other hand, Suppressive Fire is best used to stun priority targets like Stone Golems or Imps before following up with a Phase Round shot. Ideally, this should be used off-cooldown to maximize DPS.

Phase Round is great for damaging multiple enemies in a line and dealing a decent chunk of damage targets. Risk of Rain 2 gets extremely chaotic at the later stages Risk of Rain 2 Keep moving and never let go of the primary attack button, even when using other abilities. These weapons have low damage per hit but fire at a relatively quick pace, which means that the Commando needs to spend a fair bit of time shooting at enemies.

The Commando is a mobile character with high sustained DPS thanks to his rapid-fire twin pistols.
Here’s a quick guide on how to use the Commando and some tips for surviving until the late game. puttees and socks were soaking wet and the lads did the incessant rain. However, the nature of “Risk of Rain 2” itself will still give new players a tough time, even with such an accessible character available at the start. While the Goose Green affair unfolded, 3 Para and 45 Commando headed for Teal. Unlike the other classes, the Commando is arguably the easiest to learn, and players will ultimately have a simpler time with the game once they master all the abilities this character has to offer. Mess around with these at your peril aimstickassistmaxdelta: The maximum amount where the aim.
The Commando is one of the two default characters unlocked for everyone at the start of “Risk of Rain 2,” but despite his basic nature, players can squeeze out unbelievably high DPS with this class should they survive for long enough. Below, you can find a full list of the console commands that you can use in Risk of Rain 2. The Commando suffers from low damage values per hit.This class can deal insane damage with high attack speed and on-hit effects.The Commando is a jack-of-all-trades character who is great in all combat scenarios.So by your own logic, Commando is really sorta kinda the worst for a new player since he has to be closer to do consistent damage, whereas every other survivor has tools to do it at a range.Ĭommando is an honorary melee character dude. Literally no other survivor has it on every skill of their starting kit. The only proc that doesn't care about damage is tri-tip.Ĭommando is one of the very few characters who even has fall-off across the board.

Compared to if you were up close and did 10 damage, where you'd get a sticky bomb that does 18. If you're hiding on the other side of the map and do 2 damage, your sticky bomb is only going to proc for 4.

Proc coefficients do not change at a distance, but damage does. That is accurate in some senses, but the wrong takeaway and missing many important details. This obviously makes him extremely good for newer players, as being too close to enemies and getting bad items are what will end your runs rapidly.Ĭommando is not weak, he is mid to high tier, he just cant compete with the absolutely broken monster that is Rex. This also makes him the least reliant on specific drops to not fall behind. This lets commando stay very far back, way further than any other survivor except bandit and still deal consistent damage. Proc coefficients do not lower with damage drop-off from range. Originally posted by Bahamut_256:Commando has the fastest base attack rate in game with a proc coefficient of 1.0