It was further revealed just how strongly he valued Judy and her friendship after the latter's unintentionally prejudice words against predators were given during a press conference, as he lamented to the bunny his feelings of betrayal, after the one individual in the world that had finally believed in him turned out to be just as prejudiced as everyone else when she almost reached for her fox repellent after going as far as to ask her if she thought he would eat her. Judy, in turn, would comfort Nick and push him to understand that he's more than what the world sees him as, and although he initially avoided acknowledging this, he was shown to have taken it to heart once Judy offers him the chance of becoming her partner on the police force. This would be a significant moment for Nick, as he had once vowed to never expose his hidden vulnerability. With this in mind, he made it his goal to ensure Judy achieved her dream of proving her worth, going as far as to explain his backstory to her, believing she deserved to know the reasons behind his bitterness towards her at the start. Nick personally related to this as he, too, had made attempts to join a team, to fit in, only to be shunned and scorned simply because of his species. Over time, however, Nick would learn more about Judy and her persistence in cracking her first case, discovering that her will to prove herself on the force had been motivated by the prejudice given to her by her fellow officers at the police department, namely Chief Bogo.

Their first interactions would contradict the stereotype, and one that Nick initially abided by, of the "dumb bunny and sly fox". He spent their first few hours together, as accomplices, making attempts to rid himself of her grasp, though the fact that she was just as cunning made this a difficult task, and one that was never fully seen through. He also later mentioned to have noticed her canister of fox repellent when they first met, leading him to believe her to be a bigoted individual, which he detests. Judy about to badge Nick at his police academy graduation.Īt the start of their partnership, Nick viewed Judy as a starry-eyed and naïve nuisance. I've become a cop, and we're the best partners in the ZPD! I still can't resist the odd dumb bunny joke, but Judy knows I love her.” ―Nick Wilde
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